We have all heard how Spain attracts the worst type of Brit? Well here is a collection of the worst news, views and stories from the expat community in Spain. If it is tacky, dodgy or embarrasing we want to hear about it!

Contributions are welcome, criticisms will be ignored.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Home Office Encourages Young Brits To Have Casual Sex Abroad!

The Home Office has come under fire for "encouraging young Brits to have casual sex while abroad" by publishing ads which are "pornographic" according to Tory MP Julian Brazier. Can you imagine? Our poor, innocent babies being brow-beaten into having sex on holiday...by the Home Office! The horror! What next? The Department of Health forcing them to neck a bottle of vodka before going out each night? The Foreign Office encouraging them to headbutt German tourists?

Get real! It is hard to imagine what could make young Brits abroad have MORE sex! Certainly a few mildly racy ads from the Home Office aren't going to make the blindest bit of difference. Julian Brazier must have led a very sheltered life if he thinks they are 'pornographic'.

We are talking about BRITISH youngster here guys, you know, the ones with the highest rate of pregnancy, drug use, venereal disease...you name a vice and they do it more than pretty much anyone else, apart from the odd Tory MP that is.

According to the Government News Network 3% of young Brits lose their virginity while on their first holiday abroad without their parents. My only surprise is that the number is so low, we can only assume that is because the other 97% are hardened sexual veterans by the time they hit 18.

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