We have all heard how Spain attracts the worst type of Brit? Well here is a collection of the worst news, views and stories from the expat community in Spain. If it is tacky, dodgy or embarrasing we want to hear about it!

Contributions are welcome, criticisms will be ignored.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Spaniards in Spain!

At a Costa Blanca resort recently a group of eight British tourists complained to their rep and decided to go home early. The complaint? Wait for it..."Too many Spanish in the resort." Apparently the town was full of 'em!

The rep involved confirmed the incident and said this was not the first time they had received this type of complaint. Too many Spaniards? Who were they expecting? Fins? Swedes (at least they are blonde mate!) or just more low-life, chavvy yobs wanting to get pissed and sing karaoke and puke on the pavement on the way home?

This epitomises the attitude of so many Brits in Spain, they want Butlin's in the sunshine, and don't want any dirty dagos spoiling their holiday by drinking in moderation and behaving in a dignified manner. "Who the 'ell do they fink they are? Goin' on 'oliday in their own country!"

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